I am having a difficult time convincing my friends that they too could make designs and earn money. They say they don’t have time.

You don’t need that much time. One hour a day is enough to start.
You don’t even need any tools. I use a graphic tablet, and if you want you can buy a Huion Graphic Tablet, which is good and cheap.
You can also start with just a pencil and a piece of paper:
- Draw something.
- Take a photo of the drawing.
- Clean it up in Krita or Photoshop. Follow a tutorial on cleaning up scanned line art, like this one.
- Separate linework from the background. You need to save just the line art in a PNG file. Here’s a good tutorial.
- Now that you have a PNG file with a transparent background, you can submit it to your Threadless store.
Now, what to draw? Choose something that you can sketch in a few minutes. Maybe there’s a funny saying that you or your friends use? Put it on a t-shirt. Can you create a simple sketch of an animal? If you can’t draw well, then try drawing just a cat’s head, make it easy on yourself. Do you have a dog or a cat? Take a photo and then draw over it to learn.
Start with simple designs. So simple that they consist of two or three elements only. You can make a design like that quickly. Once you get better at it, you can draw something more complicated.
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