Do you feel out of your depth too?
My new design is now on Threadless, still my favorite place to sell art, even though I’ve been designing less lately!
Do you feel out of your depth too?
My new design is now on Threadless, still my favorite place to sell art, even though I’ve been designing less lately!
My drawing of a very antisocial cat in serious need of chocolate, titled “Go away. Unless you have chocolate”, got featured on the Threadless blog!
See other featured designs and read the article “Which Valentine’s Day Persona Best Fits You?”
My brother has resumed work on our cat book. If you don’t know what I am talking about, here is the first post I wrote about it. The book is about a house full of cats. There will be seven areas in total. We started with the kitchen. After that we worked on the library, the garden, and the attic.
Now I am working on the toy room. My brother drew the initial sketch and mapped out larger furniture:
Now it’s my job to add all the details: toys, book, stuffed animals, and dozens of cats.
The time before Christmas is always so busy for artists and sellers like me. I have been spending a lot of time lately uploading all my designs, adding tags, descriptions, enabling all new products and colors that were added since I last did that. It’s a lot of work.
But it will all be worth it. The Black Friday sales and Christmas shopping bring me a lot of money every year. If you are an artist, then remember to upload as many designs as you can by November. And add all the tags and promote on Pinterest or wherever you promote. We can all rest later 🙂
One of my new drawings that I just added to my store: