I’ve recently created my “Now” page. It’s a page that tells a bit about what I am currently working on, my most recent projects, what I am reading, etc. I took inspiration from Derek Siver’s now page.
So many people have created their own “now” pages that Derek made a website nownownow.com that collects all those pages. You can see what other people are working on and get inspired. I’ve already read about 50 profiles for fun.
If you have a website and don’t have a “now” page, consider creating it. This is a really neat idea, and people visiting your website won’t have to scroll through tens of blog posts to see what you are up to. And when you have the page, add it to nownownow.com, so others can find you. If you are unsure of what to write on your “now” page, read this explanation.
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