There’s an old, but awesome, game called Dungeon Keeper. Have you played it? There was also a sequel. You are an evil overlord of a dungeon and you have minions that do your bidding. You have to pay them though, so every once in a while the narrator would say “It is payday” and all the minions would go to your treasury and take most of your gold.
The voice that says “It is payday” stayed with me forever. Here, listen to it:
So, I thought about it today because today is a payday of sorts.
You probably already know that Threadless is my favorite website to sell designs on. I write about them so much that soon you will think that my posts are sponsored. But I have to let you know about another good thing that comes from working with them. You see, they have partnerships with companies like Hot Topic and TK Maxx. Every now and then some of your designs might be selected and, with your permission, sold in Hot Topic and TK Maxx stores or on their websites.
You get paid every quarter, and today is payday.
Open your Threadless Artist Shop here 🙂
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