I made a new landing page, just with a subscribe button, using ConvertKit. ConvertKit is a service that lets you collect e-mail addresses and send newsletters.
If you want to subscribe to our newsletter about our cat book you can do it here.

ConvertKit is an alternative to Mailchimp, which I had always used before. This is the first time I’ve used ConvertKit instead of Mailchimp. Mostly I just want to see how are they different and test which one is better.
I can already tell you that ConvertKit is very easy to use. I created a landing page to let people subscribe to a newsletter about our cat book in less than 5 minutes. If you have any kind of project/book/game/whatever-else-you-are-working-on, it’s a good idea to start collecting the e-mail addresses of anyone who might be interested as soon as possible. You can go to ConvertKit and create an account — for free! — and then create a page in mere minutes. Good luck!
I would love to see anything you guys are working on, let me know here in the comments or on Twitter.